Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Full Moon and Lyme Disease

Okay I was never convinced about the whole discussion on full moons and flare up of symptoms, but this is the second time there was a full moon and I woke up with flared symptoms.

Last night we had a full blood moon, lunar eclipse and my wrists and elbows are throbbing! Last time I had it this bad it was a full moon too!

Here's some interesting links about this.

Full Moons and Their Mysterious Affects On Those With Lyme Disease

Full Moons & Chronic Illnesses

Full Moon and Lyme Disease

Is this possible or is it just a coincidence that many of us Lymies seem to have flare ups when there is a full moon?  The mysterious illness continues to be so mysterious...................................and we continue to fight it!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Blotches and Blotches and Hey...there's another Blotch!

I've been told that getting rashes or streaks that look like stretch marks is a common sign of co infections.

Since I started the new co infection antibiotics I have definitely seen the appearance of big red dots and little red dots. Some say it's bartonella..well surprise surprise, I am being treated for bartonella so maybe thats what all these are.  Here's a few pics I tried taking with my IPhone today...my face ones are a tad harder to see but they are there and they itch! 

Biggest red blotch on my right leg, been battling this one for weeks since starting treatment. Came on suddenly as bright red dots and got bigger and bigger, almost looked like a mini bullesye for awhile. excuse the hairy leg, hahaha...being half Okinawan makes for less than 24 hour hair after shaving... :p

New red blotch started a few days ago and getting bigger on my right upper thigh.

New red dot under my right knee.

I have several red dots on my face that itch. No they are not pimples...I don't have pimples usually, this is a recent thing and boy do they itch sometimes.

A new one on my neck. Itches too. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Glimpses of Lyme...

So how does one live with a very real living organism that loves to do damage to your body? It's invisible, we cannot see it. There's usually no external signs that make it obvious. 

Oh sure sometimes it shows itself in rashes or itchy red blotches, but most of my outward evidences with Lyme have been my tired eyes, the dark circles from lack of sleep, the hunched over way I walk in the early morning.
Just here at home people can see it, but once I am out in public, I put make up on to cover the dark circles and tired eyes, I walk upright and slowly.
My red blotch...still here and its been a month.

However, everyday there are little glimpses of Lyme...

  • Grabbing my knee as it shoots pains while I walk upstairs..
  • Rubbing the inflamed elbow as it throbs with pains
  • Blinking to try to help my blurry vision
  • Struggling to find the words to finish my sentence
  • Rubbing on oils to relieve headaches
  • Dizzy, dizzy, dizzy
  • Too weak to pull the laundry out of the washer
  • Numb hands and fingers (this is one symptom that has completely cleared up since treatment!)
  • Brain fog (a very weird sensation that is hard to explain but your brain area literally feels whooshy and you react very slow)
  • Sore heels
  • Sinuses acting up
  • Ringing in my ears
  • Sound sensitivity
  • Fatigue
  • Neck pain
  • Migrating pains, today my elbow, tomorrow my knee, oh it's in my head today, wait it's in my wrist now...rolling rolling rolling, keep them buggies rolling....
Now many will say, "but these could be anything".

True..those symptoms can be other things, but my daughter and I have Lyme.

And these are some (not all) of the everyday glimpses of Lyme in our life. 

Kayla battling severe neck pain from her Lyme 

Psalm 40:16-17

"But may all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You;
may those who love Your salvation say continually, "Great is the Lord!"
As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought for me.
You are my help and my Deliverer; do not delay, O my God!"