Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Much Needed Update

It has been such a long time since I updated here. Even my daily journal has been silent. I did make one entry last week.

There's so much to update and way too much to type so I will just do a nutshell version:

  1. May 5th stopped cold turkey all antibiotics
  2. In April I started Magnetic Therapy
  3. Started drinking green smoothies to heal my gut
  4. July had last magnetic therapy session
Since quitting antibiotics my symptoms are returning. Not as bad as before antibiotics but that all too familiar flu like body aches and joint pains and arthritis pains are slowly back. Some days worse than others. Always worse at night time. It's hard getting up off the couch as I feel so stiff and joints hurt. Everyday I battle slight feverish feeling, and stiff aching neck. 

The magnetic therapy for a time seemed to have helped my brain pressure and my inability to be at the stores under the fluorescent lights without feeling faint. I didn't have to wear sunglasses in the stores anymore. 

However my magnetic therapist stopped doing the magnets they way she originally started and she relied so much on her strong mysticism beliefs. This made me uncomfortable and the sessions weren't causing me to herx like they first did and slowly my Lyme symptoms started returning.

I really feel the magnets would work if done properly. I am searching now to see how I can be trained to do them myself. I do believe with all my heart they did make a difference. And now without them I feel that because I wasn't able to have an adequate amount of time using the magnets, my Lyme will continue to strengthen, 

Since quitting abx and drinking green smoothies for gut healing, my gut has been 95% better and I have dropped over ten pounds. My stomach isn't bloated anymore either. 

Why did I stop abx? I guess you just get to a point where your body is screaming at you to stop! I felt that to continue on I was actually hurting myself. But mostly it was financial strain. I just couldn't afford the $200 a month for me and the $125 for Kayla's Lyme/Bartonella treatment. And the trips to my LLMD were $275 a visit and he is 2 and a half hours away. 

So now I am praying for direction to help me figure out how best to handle my daily aches and pains. 

One thing I desire to do is get a proper blood test to see if Lyme even shows up.

The one I am looking into is called ISpot. This is a new test that is supposedly much more accurate.  The test is expensive and so I am hoping to do a yard sale to raise the funds for it. 

I have had many folks suggest I do a Go Fund Me page to help with my Lyme expenses since Samaritans won't cover anything as it is a pre-existing condition. I looked into it but I don't like how much they take for their percentage.  So my best way to receive help is my Paypal account and sending it as a gift as Paypal doesn't take a percentage that way. my Paypal email is goobies4jc@gmail.com

This Lyme journey has cost us much and on top of that Kayla's ankle surgeries and her Lyme/Bartonella treatments we are currently over $40,000 in medical debt. 

Would you please pray for us to know what to do next in this Lyme journey. 

I will try better to stay updated here. Thank you for reading and praying for us.