Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Glimpses of Lyme...

So how does one live with a very real living organism that loves to do damage to your body? It's invisible, we cannot see it. There's usually no external signs that make it obvious. 

Oh sure sometimes it shows itself in rashes or itchy red blotches, but most of my outward evidences with Lyme have been my tired eyes, the dark circles from lack of sleep, the hunched over way I walk in the early morning.
Just here at home people can see it, but once I am out in public, I put make up on to cover the dark circles and tired eyes, I walk upright and slowly.
My red blotch...still here and its been a month.

However, everyday there are little glimpses of Lyme...

  • Grabbing my knee as it shoots pains while I walk upstairs..
  • Rubbing the inflamed elbow as it throbs with pains
  • Blinking to try to help my blurry vision
  • Struggling to find the words to finish my sentence
  • Rubbing on oils to relieve headaches
  • Dizzy, dizzy, dizzy
  • Too weak to pull the laundry out of the washer
  • Numb hands and fingers (this is one symptom that has completely cleared up since treatment!)
  • Brain fog (a very weird sensation that is hard to explain but your brain area literally feels whooshy and you react very slow)
  • Sore heels
  • Sinuses acting up
  • Ringing in my ears
  • Sound sensitivity
  • Fatigue
  • Neck pain
  • Migrating pains, today my elbow, tomorrow my knee, oh it's in my head today, wait it's in my wrist now...rolling rolling rolling, keep them buggies rolling....
Now many will say, "but these could be anything".

True..those symptoms can be other things, but my daughter and I have Lyme.

And these are some (not all) of the everyday glimpses of Lyme in our life. 

Kayla battling severe neck pain from her Lyme 

Psalm 40:16-17

"But may all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You;
may those who love Your salvation say continually, "Great is the Lord!"
As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought for me.
You are my help and my Deliverer; do not delay, O my God!"


  1. uh huh....for that writing. I've had Lyme for 24 years. Feb. 2011 I finally started treatment after learning what was making me so sick. Symptoms slowly left but March of this year my LLNurse took me off antibiotics to see if Lyme is less aggressive or if mold is making me sick since we have mold in our house.
    Within a week symptoms started returning and today, less than a month later, I have so much pain I can hardly walk, brain is pathetic and my husband is upset cuz he doesn't know where to go from here. Do we continue previous treatment or do we see if we can get help elsewhere? Or do we do testing for the mold and other allergies before taking more antibiotics?
    Good to hear from you. And I feel sorry for your daughter. My daughter also has Lyme but is married so I don't have day to day care. I'm also thankful for God who comforts us as no one else can and is always there for us. Christina

  2. Oh Christina, please go back on treatment and do the testing. Don't let this take over. Also have you ever tried essential oils for mold? I am new to my Young Living oils but I do know so many folks treating mold allergies and reactions with the oils.

    But please do go back on abx, it will only get worse if you don't consistently treat this bug. And it's imperative to treat all 3 forms of Lyme and co infections. I will be in prayer for you to have guidance from the Lord and that you will find healing from this dreadful disease.

  3. We can relate in our family, too, Donna! Grace has been dealing with Lyme since last summer. She is just starting on her 4th month of the first round of antibiotics. We are blessed to go to a naturopathic Dr. in Bedford, NH. She's been wonderful! Truly Lyme literate! We are just beginning with some Young Living essential oils, too. Would love to hear what you are using to help with Lyme from Y.L. and what has worked well. We are going to try Lavender for insomnia, and some other blend for pain relief. Praying for you!

  4. HI Mary! I am so sorry to hear that Grace suffers too. This is such an awful disease. As far as YLO protocol here's what my sponsor who also has Lyme recommended to me and what I am using and have seen great results.I am going to copy and paste what she wrote to me. "I started by layering thieves on my feet morning and night. After a week, I added oregano, a week later basil, then thyme (I strongly dislike thyme, but that's just me). I used orange, peppermint & lavender to get to sleep. After two months of consistently using this, I had my energy back!! I felt more normal!! Simple, but affective. I mainly used high anti bacterial oils as my focus was to kill the bacteria"

  5. Totally get the fatigue stuff! Praying for you and your daughter....sorry she has to go thru this so young. Keep fighting..we will win with God's help! (Don't pay attention to my blog....I need to start a new one....)

  6. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement!
