Saturday, December 19, 2015

Long Overdue Update!

Goodness I am so bad at blogging!

As soon as I started feeling better it's almost as if this blog was too much of a reminder of such horrible sickness and pain and suffering. I am so grateful to be feeling better! I do have reasons why I believe I am feeling better too which I will share later.

For now the biggest update is on my daughter, Kayla, who was bit in July 2012 and was treated for 7 weeks only to relapse again after 6 months has been suffering with flare ups and on and off antibiotics with each new flare up. Day before yesterday was another flare up. This time giving her a fever of 103. She has a Bartonella rash on her leg and her knees and feet hurt and her neck felt bruised and achy.

Again to say that after 4 rounds of antibiotics she still is suffering clearly proves chronic Lyme exists and should not be ignored.

Back at the doctors suffering from high fever and pain in joints and neck
But what to do at this point? She's back on antibiotics, taking Minocycline and Plaquenil for now. On top of probiotics and vitamin B-12 and D. She also will be going to Vermont for magnetic therapy treatments.
Many have encouraged me to get her off antibiotics and go all natural. I wish I could be confident to do that, but it took a good two years of antibiotics to get me feeling this good. I am not cured by any means but I have my right arm back and my aches and pains are less and less and with the new protocol I am doing it's getting even better. I no longer walk like I am 100 years old and I don't think I have slurred my speech anymore! But I still battle brain stuff. I'm working on that.

So there's a quick up to date. Kayla's recovering right now from her flare up. Fever is finally gone. She started her first dose of antibiotics last night and we plan on doing a good 6 month round this time. After that I plan on going all natural.

As always we ask for your prayers!

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