Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Co Infections and new treatment for me. Yippeee.....blegh

After a really bad few weeks of ups and downs, more downs than up, out of desperation I called my doctor and told his secretary all my symptoms and my concerns. Later that afternoon she called and said he wanted to see me at 8:30am the next's a 2 1/2 hour drive from here!

My son Joshua didn't have to work so he volunteered to drive me there along with his wife and my adorable grandson, Nathan. This is the adorable face I stared at on the way there.

To keep this entry short, when we arrived at my doctors office I started getting a really bad headache, which within 30 minutes became a full blown, right side of my head migraine. I wanted to pass out I felt soooo bad. But thankfully my doctor got to see it and how I was reacting to it. Joshua did most of the talking to my doctor so that was a blessing. My doctor has for some time suspected a co infection called Bartonella. I have so many symptoms of it with the sore soles, red bumps that appear and itch then disappear, headaches, dizziness, chest and rib pains. But up until now he was focusing on the Lyme itself. Most Lyme patients do have co infections. Read here: Lyme Disease Co-Infections 

Since I have gone downhill so suddenly after feeling relief for a bit after starting treatment, my LLMD highlighted all my current symptoms and has now started me on a new treatment against the co infection Bartonella.  My two new antibiotics to start fighting the Bartonella are Minocycline 100mg 1 capsule twice daily and Rifampin 150mg 1 capsule twice daily, and he added Ranitidine 300mg to take at bedtime for my stomach. I have to gradually wean off the Clarithromycin, will be done taking those next week.

I also have to do monthly blood draws. Here's my first one today. I look wonderful don't I? NOT! I feel awful, but I am still fighting hard! Pictures compliments of Abraham! 

So another new round of antibiotics, and new stomach meds, we shall see how I do. Will keep updating. If anyone is interested I do keep a Daily Journal here in a separate page that helps to keep track of my daily symptoms.

I appreciate your prayers as I start this new treatment. Praying I don't herx and that I start feeling some ups!

I loved the end to my C.H. Spurgeon devotion this morning. I pray that the Lord give me the faith to endure and to believe His promises. Without Him I can do nothing!

O, then, Christian, watch well thy faith; for with it thou canst win all things, however poor thou art, but without it thou canst obtain nothing. "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." 

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