Saturday, November 8, 2014

No More Cipro For Me!

My LLMD had started me on the new regime of Cefdinir and Ciproflaxin to treat the Bartonella in my brain. It has proven to be very effective as all my brain weirdness has subsided and I only had been experiencing slight hearing sensitivity.

However after being on it for almost a month I started noticing I was having flu like body aches. A symptom I do not wish to have again as that was one of my very first obvious Lyme symptoms. Since this new treatment was more focused on killing Bartonella I was concerned that my Lyme was returning again. So I put a call into my LLMD.

After hearing my concerns he said before we think the Lyme is strengthening let's take you off the Cipro as muscle pain and tendon pain is one of the rare side effects and since I have been one of his patients who tends to be sensitive to medications he wanted to test his suspicions that it was the med and not the Lyme. In the mean time he said I must always be on 3 different antibiotics so he put me back on Clarithromicin.

As soon as I was off the Cipro, I caught a terrible head cold/flu thing that gave me chills and fever and body aches and bronchitis. So it was very difficult to figure out if the body aches were in fact leaving. But now that I am over that I definitely do not have the body aches so that tells me once again my brilliant LLMD knew what he was talking about.

Since stopping the Cipro though my hearing sensitivity seems to be worse. I go in on Nov 12th to see my LLMD so I will ask him about it.

So another interesting lesson on the antibiotics!

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