Saturday, August 30, 2014

New Bartonella Treatment and Neuropathy Medications

So after suffering for some time with extreme hearing sensitivities and brain weirdness which is common neuropathy issues, (dizzy, buzzing, zapping, Bells Palsy, facial weakness, eye pain, back of the ear pain, weakness in my right arm, heart palpitations, chest and rib pains, watery eye, droopy face, lightheaded, whooshy sensations, slow speech, slurring, emotional wreck with crying spells)

I went to see my LLMD and after reviewing everything he decided it was time to change up my treatment.

He said over the past 4 months he has been researching Bartonella and also he met with other Lyme specialists and he has some concerns about Rifampin, which is what he was treating my bartonella with.

So now my new medications are Cipro, Cefdanier (Sp?) and he has me on a neuropathy med called Gabapetin. I am still on Plaquenil too.

As of right now he said I am the only patient of his on this new protocol. Don't I feel special...haha..

So I am still battling Bartonella. Fun fun...I was on Mino and Rifampin for almost 4 months and it made me feel so much better but then I did the stupid thing, I stopped taking everything cold turkey, but within 10 days my brain stuff came back, slowly, but by August I was in full force and back on meds. He did say 14 days is usually how long it takes to get symptoms back if it's not dead yet. He was right.

So once again I am back on treatment and this time I will not go off. And this is going to take time. I have been on treatment for almost a year. My Lyme symptoms are virtually non existent..the neck pain, joint pains, weak arm and wrists, headaches, arthritis are 98% gone!

So once again I covet your prayers for this new medication, I don't want to herx or have an allergic reaction.

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