Monday, July 14, 2014

Stopped All Antibiotics! Candida Treatment Time!

What a scary time when I realized I had to make this hard decision.  To be completely honest much of my decision is financial. With Kayla's broken ankle and all the surgery etc the bills are flooding in and it's been overwhelming to say the least. We have no health insurance so you can imagine hat our bills are looking like, currently in the $20.000's!

Knowing we have to keep up with those bills caused me to realize the best thing to give up is the monthly prescription costs.

I have been doing re markedly well and I was able to take over a month of the Minocycline with no herxing at all! Third round was a breeze. So I believe with months of Rifampin and then 3 rounds of Mino, we have knocked out the Bartonella that was making me so sick from Feb.

As of right now I have no Lyme symptoms, no reactions to stopping all abx cold turkey. Today is day 5 of no abx.

I am treating candida overgrowth which I am convinced I have as I have a very bloated, pregnant looking belly and since starting abx I have gained 20 pounds. Candida overgrowth causes the SAME symptoms of Lyme so some of my nightly aches and pains I believe are candida and not Lyme. So no sugar or carbs right now and using powerful probiotics from Natures Sunshine. My eldest son and his wife are distributors
Here's a great place to read about candida overgrowth and it's symptoms.

I still am using my Thieves essential oil every night. I plan on adding oregano and Basil to my natural Lyme treatment when money allows.

So that's my latest update. I will continue to update as I live without abx for the first time in 10 months.  If you also have stopped abx please comment below your story so others contemplating this route can have other's stories to make their decisions. This certainly wasn't an easy decision for me, but 10 months of abx is a long time and I have had much relief from symptoms and like I said, I am not convinced any joint pains and other Lyme-ish symptoms are still Lyme, but candida at this point. Only time will tell and so my journey be continued......

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