Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Back on Minocycline..Fighting Bartonella!

Well I was doing so well and still have no joint pains and headaches but I started getting more brain weirdness, buzzy, zapping, whooshing sensations, dizzy spells and lightheadedness...then the hearing sensitivity returned. I thought maybe this was just residual effects of die offs and candida stuff.

I also had not called my LLMD and spoke to him since I had quit cold turkey the antibiotics, so this morning I put the call in and waited to hear from him, thinking the entire time I AM IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!

But once again my LLMD proves to be the most compassionate, understanding soul. He completely understood my predicament with the financial strain of getting my monthly medications and all of Kayla's bills that keep flying in.

After discussing with him the improvements and then letting him know that I was having the brain weirdness, he said he is completely sure that I am still battling Bartonella as Bartonella attacks the neuro pathways and your central nervous system. The buzzing, zappy, brain fog and hearing sensitivity is all the bacteria still attacking my CNS.

The good news he was delighted to hear was my hemoglobin went from a low 8 to a whopping 13.5! I gained 5 units of blood which is remarkable!

However his concern is if I am not treating the Bartonella, it will once again go and feast on my red blood cells and I will go right back down to that low hemoglobin number.  And I do not want to be there again! I felt horrible!

So for now he said I can take one 100mg of the Mino a day, and a Rifampin every other day to help keep costs down. He said anything, even this low dosage is better than nothing as we still need to keep fighting this bacteria.

He's officially taken the focus off of Lyme Disease and now we are battling Bartonella which I have read is WORSE than Lyme! UGH!

"Babesia and Bartonella are not little addendums to Lyme disease, but are often far more serious than Lyme disease. Any physician who is not well-versed in these two killing infections perhaps should not be considered competent enough to treat patients with flea and tick infections. These infections do not circle around planet “Lyme” like small moons, instead, they are their own huge planets that cause massive consequences to the human body." Dr. James Schaller M.D.

So here I go, back on Mino and Rifampin, hoping to get rid of these symptoms once and for all! At least I am doing much better in many other ways so for this I rejoice and praise God for always giving us answers and directing us when we asked Him for direction. I found this website too that has info about other ways to treat Bart as Bart can be tricky to kill with abx alone.

"I sought the Lord, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears."

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