Saturday, August 23, 2014

Discouraged and yet hopeful still.....Jesus my Hope!

It's so difficult living with an invisible disease. Day after day I live with symptoms not noticeable to most folks, mostly my hearing sensitivity issues and my brain weirdness as I call it. I'm exhausted and very emotional, crying episodes are more frequent now.

For weeks now I have been experiencing the dizziness, brain zapping, vibrating, buzzy sensations and facial numbness and slight Bells Palsy like symptoms of drooping feeling and my eyes feeling like so much pressure is on them that they are literally drooping closed. Slurred speech and the great efforts to speak sometimes. I feel like my brain has to work so hard to just get sentences out. I gasp for a breathe after I speak so many times as I feel over exerted. So strange these things.

I was doing so well just weeks prior that I am so discouraged that it all came back, full force in my brain this time. 

Yet I am still hopeful because I know the Lord provided us with a LLMD that knows what he's doing and he understands where I am at. And he really genuinely cares for me.

I called yesterday to let him know whats been going on since he started me back on Mino and Rifampin.  His instructions were to immediately get off Mino and Rifampin and start back on Lyme treatment of Plaquenil and Amox and Clarithromycin.  And he wants me to come in ASAP, not wait till my September 25th appointment. So I go in this Tuesday Aug 26th.

It's been almost a year since my diagnosis of Lyme Disease, and 10 months of abx treatments. Will this end? Will I be normal ever again? I just read this sad story of a lady who suffered and took her own life. Broke my heart! Her worst symptom is what mine is, hyperacusis, hearing sensitivity.

I am so glad I know my life here on this earth is temporal. I do look forward to a perfect body, no more Lyme. I hold to this hope. This is my only Hope. Jesus. I may never be 100% freed from this disease and I really am ok with it. I wish it weren't so, but the more I am sick, the longer I am sick, I am so grateful for my spiritual healing, that I am saved and redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb. I cant imagine going through this without the Hope of eternal Life through Jesus Christ. Knowing that this world is not my home, I have such greater joy to look forward too. Keeping my eyes fixed on the knowledge of my eternal home in glory, forever with my Savior.  

If you suffer from this disease or any other chronic illness and you do not know Christ you will be discouraged and feel it's hopeless. Turn to Christ! There is no hope without Christ! Your body may never be healed here on this earth. But more scary is if your soul would not be healed from the sickness of sin and death. Please please, I beg you, take the time to consider your standing with God Almighty. Please visit this website and read with an open heart

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